“I am an IUL advocate. I’ve enjoyed the work you’ve done over the years on IUL research and feel it’s been a huge service to the consumer.”
David McKnight / Author of “Power of Zero”
There are 3 membership options explained in detail in the section below. DO NOT REGISTER UNLESS YOU ARE A SUBSCRIBER!
All Membership give you access to all the reports and materials – the only difference if you want to be able to access my expertise by either calling and/or emailing your questions to me each month. Details are explained under each membership level in the section above.
** For example: one company says the values are based on it’s AG49 rate of 6.21%, then it projects them instead at a rate of almost 12% (15% in years 3 & 4) with no basis in the policy for doing so.
Those who sell it belong in jail, but that won’t help you decades from now. Those who buy it are likely in for very bad surprise decades from now – don’t let that be you!
For some reason the most common emails I get from “non-members” are:
- ”Is the information current?”
- ”Are you actively managing the site?”
It is 2023. I’m here every day. If you look in the top left corner you will see the date of the most current ranking chart.
- Next the “non-members” call me and want me to answer all their product/company questions without joining and becoming a member.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. It takes many hours to update and analyze the products with all the companies. Just like you, neither you or I work’s for free. If you want information it is only FAIR that you “JOIN” IUL Digest and become a member.
- ***NOW Updated to Include 2022 Gains***
Furthermore, currently this is the ONLY site on the internet where you will find Apples-Apples Comparisons and Ranking of the IUL’s of ALL of the Major IUL Companies (28), for both all of their Features a well as 20 Year Cash Value Performance and Year 40 performance with 20 years of loans, based on current Cap for all years and actual historical performance of the Indexes! There are currently 99 IULs on the Ranking Charts.
Another, favorite report is the IUL Deal Breakers – there are 25 and the report lists which companies have each one! (see below for more detail).
NO Company Favoritism! For more about this go to: http://iuldigest.com/?page_id=5873
Each Membership Level is Comprised of:
- Access to Site and ALL its Reports and other Materials.
- (NO Discounts on Books, Booklets, Manual and PPTs).
- A number of agents sign up for the Copper Membership Level and then want me to answer their IUL questions by email and/or phone. **I CANNOT do that in fairness to those who have a membership that provides that benefit. ***If you want that then you need to join as a Gold or Platinum member.
GOLD – $199/YEAR
- Access to Site and ALL its Reports and other Materials.
- PLUS Discounts on Last Chance Retirement Material.
- Also you can email Brett all your IUL questions (with a limited response time of 20 minutes per month).
- Access to Site and ALL its Reports and other Materials.
- PLUS Discounts on Last Chance Retirement Materials.
- Also Includes ONE Free 20 minute phone Consultation per Month.
- And/or you can email Brett all your IUL questions ($100 Value – Case Design, General IUL Questions and/or Specific Product Questions).
DISCLAIMER: I have received NO remuneration of any kind from any Insurance Co., IMO or Agency for any of the information on this website.
All of the information is believed to be correct but is NOT warranted.
Site Disclaimer Legalese https://www.iuldigest.com/?page_id=784
Please Contact Brett Anderson by email to join website – brettanderson1@gmail.com
I’ve been a licensed agent (and at one time Registered Rep. [stocks]) for 36 years.I need to know that what I show my clients is actually the “best” there is and no one else provided this information – or it was very misleading “propaganda” from the companies.
So about 10 years ago I wrote “Last Chance Retirement” which is about IUL, and started analyzing all the IUL’s in the market and how they would actually perform. On this site is all of that research.
In addition, their are charts where you can compare each co.’s Accelerated Terminal Illness advance, Chronic Illness (LTC) advance, Loan (cap) options and other factors.
There are charts that show the historical 20 year performance since 1945 (of the S&P also), and what has become an industry standard – the Deal Breaker chart.
There is also a report on the Best Way to Design IUL for the client – NOT the agent. (See below for information about some of the reports).
This information is invaluable for an agent who wants to know they are selling a top IUL with the best design for their client. For the Consumer who wants to really know who the best company is to go with, and the best way to (again) have it designed for their best long term success with an IUL. Don’t buy an IUL only because it is being recommended by a relative or best friend – do they KNOW which IUL is really best?
Also Don’t Sell an IUL just because your agency says it is the best (most of the recommendations are based solely on allowing the agency to meet it’s commission target with a company. 99% of Agencies, Agents and Consumers really have NO idea which IUL is best or why it is or isn’t! It is YOUR (client’s) money and Retirement Income! They won’t be able in 30-40 years to make up the “loss” for frankly your (the agent’s) ignorance!
You (the client and agent) are responsible for educating yourself to make a smart, intelligent choice or recommendation!
On a neutral, apples-apples basis, I analyze and rank the IUL’s with all the companies based on how they would have hypothetically performed the past 20 years. Parameters used include the current cap for all years, participation rate, spread, multiplier, bonus, costs and any fixed account requirement.
I then also project how they would perform for the next 20 years (so 40 years total) with loans (based on a REAL, historical long term avg. VLR or cap). I do NOT use the co. AG49 illustration rates (which do not reflect the indexes actual history the prior 20 years or a more realisitic loan arbitrage), nor the company’s current (low) VLR. As of 2/23 the rankings include 114 IUL’s with 27 companies.